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How sailors use a technique called tacking to sail upwind. Mr. Coutts, the Oracle team's CEO, was suitably impressed. We were looking down the barrel of a gun.". Mr. Langford, a 24-year-old last-minute addition to the crew, was in charge of adjusting the angle of the 13-story sail with a thick rope he held in his hands. Tacking involves an elaborately choreographed routine. Clark has been successfully campaigning his J … Joseph Ozanne, the designer of the wing, describes the tension with sailors. America's Cup: Der Prada Cup wird mit dem Duell der Amerikaner und Briten eröffnet America's Cup. Oracle Team USA skippered by James Spithill Emirates and Team New Zealand skippered by Dean Barker compete during the final race of the America's Cup on September 25, 2013 in … The next morning, a scheduled off day, Oracle's sailors made upwind foiling the focus of their practice. But the Kiwis edged closer with every turn. For two weeks, they had—but for only a few minutes a day. Spectators who had earlier cheered for the underdogs from New Zealand had begun to cheer for the Americans. With his team's prospects getting dimmer by the hour, Mr. Spithill decided it was time to stop obeying the computers and start thinking like sailors. Despite their six-race deficit, they had clearly caught New Zealand by surprise. Mr. Ozanne's computer program had given a target: Sail into the wind at a relatively tight angle of about 42 degrees, which would produce the optimal mix of speed and travel distance. exulted Oracle's Australian skipper, Jimmy Spithill. The sailors pumped their fists. The conditions for a team are: Age: 19-24 / 2013, a crew of six sailors, valid passport of the registered country, an affiliation to a present AC World Series team, or to buy an AC45 with an automatic registration, or a registration and a qualification in the selection series. The autopsy on the British yachtsman Andrew Simpson who died during training for the America's Cup races showed he … Op 6 mei 2010 publiceerden de titelverdediger Amerika en de uitdager, Club Nautico di Roma, de plannen voor de 34e Cup… So segeln die Herausforderer um den Prada Cup. His goal was to keep it close until the upwind section, where he knew his boat now was faster. The upwind third leg was the one that had been keeping Mr. Spithill awake at night. Its right hull lurched into the air and the giant yacht began tipping. Underwater foils, known as daggerboards, enable the boats to sail with both hulls lifted out of the water. Wind and weather dictate every racing sailor’s racecourse calls, but for the today’s America’s Cup weather team, the work starts well before the first race. The result was a devastating blow to the New Zealand team which expected a week ago to take the cup to Auckland after building a seemingly insurmountable early lead. Dean Barker, the opposing skipper, was the son of New Zealand businessman Ray Barker, who had founded the menswear company Barkers. It was a cake walk, with BMW Oracle winning the first two races in the short best-of-three format. Getty Images. They finished the job about five minutes before the boat had to enter the starting area. The win is in many ways a personal vindication for Ellison. Teams from only four nations have won the trophy: the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland. 21 Feb 2021 Congratulations Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli Team! The Kiwis sailed away through the fog. When the AC72 was foiling, not enough of its load was borne by the rudders in the rear. Joseph Ozanne, then a 30-year-old engineer with a degree from a prestigious French aeronautics-engineering program, was responsible for designing the sail, which contained movable flaps like on an airplane. "It's the most amazing sensation when you look down and there's no part of the boat in the water, just the two foils on the leeward hull and the rudder on the windward one," The New Zealand skipper, Dean Barker, told the New York Times in July. The winner gets to pick where and when the next race is held—typically every three to five years—and what type of boat is used. It was now 8-5. The race was dead even until near the end of the upwind leg, when Oracle pulled off a quick turn and began heading into the path of the Kiwi yacht. This is it. Sep 10: Oracle chose not to start the second race. At exactly 2 p.m., Mr. Spithill heard the voice of a race official in the radio. Minutes earlier, on-board cameras captured Ainslie's orders to his teammates as the 72-ft vessel powered towards the finish. 2013 America's Cup Teams: This page documents the formation of the 2013 teams. Oracle's feted British tactician, Sir Ben Ainslie, hugged and exchanged high-fives with other crew members and Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder of Oracle, amid a shower of champagne on their AC72 catamaran. As the AC72 dropped its towline on Sept. 10 and headed for the starting line, Mr. Spithill hoped that in Race 5, the Oracle crew would get its act together. By the time the boats reached the fourth leg, the gap was too large for Oracle to recover. The engineers weren't sure it was possible because modifications made before and during the race had created balance problems. Jimmy Spithill in front of San Francisco Bay on Feb. 3, 2014. Oracle was headed directly into the underbelly of the Kiwi yacht, which was teetering at a 45-degree angle to the water. Mr. Spithill, skipper of Oracle Team USA, the richest and possibly most prohibitively favored team in the history of the world's most famous yacht competition, had lost three of the first four races. Geschichte Der America’s Cup 1851 bis 1980. New Zealand tried to turn quickly, but miscues caused the wind to catch the sail the wrong way. In addition, the team's tactician, who advises Mr. Spithill on wind, current and strategy, was replaced. Photograph: Ben Margot/AP, Oracle Team USA crosses the finish line during the 18th race of the America's Cup sailing event against Emirates Team New Zealand. Copyright ©2021 Dow Jones & Company. La 34ª America's Cup si è disputata nel 2013 a San Francisco in California.Il Golden Gate … : Photo:©2010 Gilles Martin-Raget/Oracle Racing There are three challengers for the 2013 America's Cup, making a total of four competitors including the Defender, Golden Gate YC. "Just the sheer acceleration of the boat when it breaks clear of the water is quite remarkable.". When Oracle hit that leg, it trailed New Zealand by only three seconds. "This is it. Two powerboats sped over and the maintenance guys climbed up onto the wing and started shooting hot glue everywhere. Nobody had expected this. On this day, both boats hit the line simultaneously. Twice down by seven wins in the series, it won the finals 9-8. Even when the Kiwis started with an advantage, the Oracle crew found a way to overtake. You kept everyone guessing and fought until the end. It won by a commanding 84 seconds. The America's Cup, first held in 1851, is believed to award the world's oldest international sporting trophy. In most cases, the faster of the two boats in the finals wins every match—and the faster boat is usually the defending champion. They were covering more water but reaching higher speeds—more than enough to offset the greater distance traveled. "We're going to play it now," Mr. Spithill told Mr. Coutts. On it was Oracle founder Larry Ellison. Not far from the San Francisco waterfront, Oracle took a lead. Though popularly reported as a Best-of-17 series, the 2013 America's Cup winner is the first competitor to win 9 points, scoring 1 point per race won but less any points subtracted for penalties. The 11 sailors were a collection of international superstars. When the upwind leg was done, Oracle was up by 26 seconds. (All race footage courtesy America's Cup Event Authority). He returned in 2007 as helmsman for the Italian team Luna Rossa. ", As the AC72 skulked back to its berth, Mr. Spithill heard the voice of Russell Coutts, the New Zealand-born chief executive of the Oracle team, on his walkie-talkie: "Have you thought about using the postponement card?". ", Oracle crosses the finish line. (Animations: Alberto Cervantes and Jarrard Cole/The Wall Street Journal). America's Cup Challenger Play-off Final (New Zealand v Sweden) First to win five races qualifies for the America's Cup. "You need to forget everything you've done on the conventional sail," he said. New Zealand now needed just three more wins—and it had 12 chances to get them. In 2007, the last full Cup, there were 11. Jimmy Spithill grew up in the tiny Australian town of Elvina Bay, just north of Sydney. Keep up … Instead of turning on the car radio, Mr. Spithill plugged in his iPod and played one of his favorite songs, Rage Against the Machine's "Take the Power Back.". 2013. If everything goes right, the boat loses little speed. New Zealand was now nearly halfway to the nine wins it needed to secure the Cup—and the time gap between the boats was only getting larger. A reinvigorated Youth America’s Cup regatta is announced today which will be raced in a brand new class of foiling mono-hull, the AC9F, in 2020 and 2021. Privacy Policy | User Agreement, Against the Wind One of the Greatest Comebacks in Sports History. Barker, the Kiwi skipper, appeared an increasing morose, lost figure as he headed towards the record books for the wrong reasons. That never happened. Mr. Dalton, New Zealand's managing director, now saw his team's prospects as bleak. But by the time Oracle got to the upwind leg, it had a 20-second lead. Unable to sleep, he would eventually grab his laptop and dial up video of the losing races. The America's Cup, the world's most prestigious yachting competition, dates back to 1851. He wouldn't get tangled with the Kiwis on the downwind leg, lest they crash or capsize. He learned to sail in a leaky wooden dinghy that a neighbor had planned to throw away. If anyone had predicted that New Zealand would win six of the first seven races, they might have been thrown overboard. At the postrace news conference, the grim-faced skipper said: "We feel like we need to regroup, really take a good look at the boat.". During his drive to the base, Mr. Spithill listened to Pearl Jam's live rendition of "Immortality.". Für die Engländer war das Anlass, die US-Amerikaner dazu einzuladen, mit einer Yacht nach England zu kommen und sich in einer Regatta mit ihnen zu messen. The two boats can't cross the starting line until a countdown timer hits zero. Oracle won the race by 52 seconds. But a competition that was expected to be humdrum turned into one of the most remarkable ever. One of the sailors got trapped underneath the boat and drowned. Oracle, a zephyr from defeat, rejigged its crew and mounted a spectacular comeback which electrified the contest. Both Oracle and New Zealand had been foiling downwind. When the sailors eventually heeded his suggestions, the boat began performing as advertised. Through the first two legs, Oracle was in total control, building up an eight-second lead. Once, a week before the national high-school sailing championship, he broke his wrist playing rugby. Oracle Team USA completed its miracle comeback Wednesday and retained the America’s Cup in storybook fashion. Had its enormous budget lulled the team into overconfidence? Oracle was slapped with a two-race penalty before the competition even began. The American side started with a two race deficit because of a penalty for cheating in the America's Cup world series, when members of … The Youth America’s Cup is a joint initiative between the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS), the China Sports Industry Group (CSIG), and Emirates Team New Zealand (ETNZ). It was another foggy afternoon and the winds were unusually light. Tue 15 Oct 2013 20.38 EDT. As the upwind leg began, New Zealand headed out toward the San Francisco waterfront while Oracle vectored toward Alcatraz Island. Ellison introduced a new class of catamaran, the fiendishly expensive AC72s, The twin-hulled 72ft vessels, replacing the single-hulled catamarans that previously featured in the race, whip along at high speeds, delivering a thrilling spectacle to fans. The sailors hugged. Back at the Oracle base, Mr. Ozanne said he had found the flaw in the computer model. After his Race 7 drubbing, Mr. Spithill emerged from his shower to find that the team's sailors, engineers, designers and computer scientists had started a meeting without him. Nearly every time they tried, Oracle's hulls would fall off the foils and the bows would nose-dive into the water. "The time limit has expired.". Before the races had begun, a confident Mr. Spithill had flirted with the idea of flying to Las Vegas during the middle of the competition to see a Floyd Mayweather Jr. boxing match. Oracle had experimented with upwind foiling five weeks before the race at the insistence of Tom Slingsby, a redheaded Australian team member who had just won a sailing gold medal at the London Olympics. Photograph: Ben Margot/AP, Emirates Team New Zealand and Oracle Team USA pass the Golden Gate Bridge while preparing for America's Cup race 16 on Monday. At the start, New Zealand took an early lead. Oracle's computers hadn't anticipated such speeds. A major sponsor demanded a refund and San Francisco braced for a financial loss instead of a promised bonanza. As preparations intensify for the 2021 regatta in Auckland, New Zealand, we will be open 24/7 with a selection of the best official products from the event – and the teams that make it the greatest spectacle on water. There also was a bigger problem cutting into Mr. Spithill's practice time. The start of an America's Cup race is an exercise in pinpoint execution. Januar fällt der Startschuss zur Herausfordererrunde vor dem 36. "It was a fantastic race. As winners of the last race in 2010, Oracle got to set the rules for this year. It really is about the team. He lost again in preliminaries, to Mr. Ellison's Oracle team, which went on to lose in the finals. To initiate the turn, eight sailors crank winches resembling hand-operated bicycle pedals, powering the system that moves the sail. Work your arses off. The shore crew worked through the night. While Oracle had figured out how to match New Zealand's speed upwind, it hadn't yet mastered the technique. Mr. Spithill on Oracle's tactics at the start of Race 5. All the chairs were taken. As Oracle approached the finish line, Mr. Spithill glanced at one of his teammates, Kyle Langford, who was working in front of him. For the next Cup, team Oracle tricked out its three-hulled trimaran with a revolutionary carbon-fiber sail that looked like an upright airplane wing. The greatest comeback in the cup's history vindicated Ellison's decision to host the event in San Francisco bay and use super-fast telegenic boats which zipped across the water at more than 50mph. Bereits im Jahr 1851 fand in London mit der Great Exhibition die erste Weltausstellung statt, eine Messe, bei der jedes Land seine besten Produkte vorführen sollte. When the boat got moving fast enough to get up on its foils, the crew made another discovery. "We knew we were going to lose the last race unless we sailed a perfect race," he said. American team, who were down 8-1 at one stage, won cup in nailbiting winner-takes-all decider in San Francisco Bay, Team USA beat New Zealand 9-8 in a thrilling series. The prevailing theory among Oracle's sailors was that they were just rusty. Click on Team Names or Scroll Down to read more. Mr. Spithill sat on a desk and sipped a Red Bull as the 30 people took turns suggesting changes to the boat. Mr. Spithill wasn't sure why Emirates Team New Zealand, Oracle's opponent in the final, had been faster so far. Rather than sailing 42 degrees off the wind, what the team called their "high and slow" mode. The boat was so strange and powerful it was hard to handle. (Photo: Getty Images). The Kiwis had rallied to win two of the next three races, giving them an 8-1 advantage—thanks to the two-race penalty meted out to Oracle at the beginning—then Oracle had taken a race. Already, the fans who gathered on the waterfront to watch the races had started cheering for the Kiwis. The five legs of the racecourse sent the boats from near the Golden Gate Bridge to the downtown San Francisco waterfront and took anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes to complete, depending on wind. Then the script changed. When the Cup was over, he made Mr. Spithill one of his newest hires. 1851: The schooner America Mr. Spithill went home to his apartment in San Francisco's posh Marina District. Television New Zealand have released their broadcast schedule for the 2013 America's Cup, which is also an excellent race schedule, showing the dates of races, lay … American yacht clubs held the Cup for 132 straight years, relinquishing it for the first time in 1983. sponsor Red Bull, to empower young people and give them the opportunity to enter eventually later the America's Cup. Gripes turned into wonder at the spectacle of two huge catamarans, specially built for this event and crewed with elite sailors, duelling at more than 50mph. As a powerboat pulled them into the bay for Race 5 of the 2013 America's Cup, Mr. Spithill shot a glance at the Golden Gate Bridge. The Boys Junior America’s Cup and Girls Junior America’s Cup have announced their adjusted future schedules for the next 18 years. It was able to tack more quickly—13 mph rather than 10 mph. He stepped aboard the yacht and said, "Do you guys know what you just did? This account of how that happened was pieced together through extensive interviews with the sailors, engineers and other team leaders. "It just wasn't meant to be," says Mr. Dalton, the Kiwi team's managing director.

Pressione Atmosferica Svizzera, Coronavirus Sassari Ultime Notizie, Lorenzo Zambelli Wikipedia, Paulo Coelho Frasi, Infocert Id App Codice Di Sblocco, Chi Ha Scritto In Vacanza Da Una Vita, Andrea Zelletta Modello, Come Amare Dio Di Più Aiuto Biblico, Gomma Baustelle Accordi, Eredità Di Zio Vedovo Senza Figli Con Testamento, Quanto Pesa Luna Rossa 2020, Assistenza Gamestop Ps4, Sara Gama Instagram, Mimmo La Monaca Su Calabrisi,