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BERLÍN.- El Comité de Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco cerró hoy en la ciudad alemana de Bonn su sesión número 39, en la que aprobó la inscripción de 24 nuevos sitios a su lista, entre ellos uno de México y otro de Uruguay, y la ampliación del Camino de Santiago de Compostela. In the post-war period, a motorway was built and elevated on pillars above ground. This area of Renaissance urban renovation was integrated with the medieval part of the city and has retained its relationship with this context intact. Knowledge, protection and conservation; Plan B. Jun 7, 2015 - The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure. The management structure is directed by a Steering Committee made up of representatives of the bodies which have signed the Protocol itself (the City Council, the Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Liguria Region, the Soprintendenza for Architectural Heritage and the Ligurian Countryside,  the Liguria Region, the Genoa Province, the University of Genoa, the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa  and the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura), with political functions defining strategies, approaches and priorities. Vamos a descubrir los 10 lugares Patrimonio por la UNESCO en Italia que hay que visitar en 2020. Happy LOSAR from NgalSo! 38. The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure Les Palazzi offrent une extraordinaire variété de solutions différentes, ils ont une valeur universelle par leur adaptation aux caractéristiques particulières du site et aux exigences d’une organisation économique et sociale spécifique. Lungo le Strade Nuove sorsero così i Palazzi dei Rolli, dal nome degli elenchi o registri ufficiali nei quali erano iscritte le nobili dimore, frutto di una accorta gestione amministrativa in cui gli interessi privati si unirono a quelli pubblici, dando vita ad un modello originale che fu esempio per l’intera Europa: le famiglie che vi abitavano, infatti, avevano l’onore e l’impegno di accogliere le visite di Stato e i viaggiatori illustri, come principi, ambasciatori, prelati, e di partecipare così con lo sfarzo della propria dimora al consolidamento dell’immagine e del ruolo diplomatico della città. Individual palaces retain their integrity. Uno scrigno prezioso tra arte e cultura, con autentici capolavori che vanno dal periodo tardo rinascimentale a quello barocco. The buffer zone of 98.73 hectares around the Strade Nuove covers the entire historic centre. Centro marittimo già nel V secolo a.C., Genova ebbe intensi rapporti col mondo greco, etrusco e punico. Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam 2. 13.06.2016 - Palazzo Reale, Unesco site in Genoa Genoa's Unesco World Heritage Sites Genoa boasts one of the most glamorous Unesco World Heritage sites in an area that is filled with of amazing palazzo or grand palaces just beyond the harbor and the medieval section of the city. Committee sessions Statutory Documents Committee decisions More sessions... 44th session (2020) 14th Extraordinary session (2020) 43rd session (2019) 42nd session (2018), General Assembly 23rd GA UNESCO Paris (2021) 22nd GA UNESCO Paris (2019) 21st GA UNESCO Paris (2017), About World Heritage The Convention, Convention Text Policy Compendium Operational Guidelines The Emblem The States Parties The Advisory Bodies The Centre Employment & Internships Who's Who, The List World Heritage List World Heritage in Danger New Inscriptions Criteria for Selection Tentative Lists World Heritage List Nominations, Reporting & Monitoring State of Conservation (SOC) Periodic Reporting Questionnaires 2008-2015 Reactive Monitoring Africa Arab States Asia & Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean Europe and North America, Partnerships Become a Partner What Partners Do Our Partners, Activities All our activities Volunteer Group Tools. Hoy en día sirve como oficinas de la Prefectura y la provincia de Génova 229499436 de la colección de millones de fotos, vectores e imágenes en alta resolución de Depositphotos. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. follow me also on Facebook Génova (en italiano: Genova, en ligur: Zena)es una ciudad italiana, capital de la ciudad metropolitana homónima y de la región de Liguria.Con 609 746 habitantes, es la sexta ciudad más poblada del país y la tercera del norte de Italia.El área urbana cuenta con 850 000 habitantes y el área metropolitana genovesa cuenta con 1 510 000 habitantes. The Committee at the time of inscription encouraged consideration of the motorway being put in a tunnel in order to strengthen the connection between the palaces and the sea. Los más bellos se encuentran en Via Garibaldi, Via Cairoli y Via Balbi. Criterion (ii): The ensemble of the Strade Nuove and the related palaces exhibit an important interchange of values on the development of architecture and town planning in the 16th and 17th centuries. Ricordata ovunque quale gloriosa Repubblica Marinara, Genova fu anche importante città del Rinascimento, fortemente apprezzata da viaggiatori e artisti che ne ritrassero i prestigiosi palazzi. 2014 Visit Genoa; 2014 Pesto Word Championship Supporter; 2014 Timetable; 2014 Honor’s Commitee; 2012 Championship. ... declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, y descubrir el característico casco … The Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli in Genoa’s historic centre date from the late 16th and early 17th centuries when the Republic of Genoa was at the height of its financial and seafaring power. The Master Plan for the Conservation and Restoration of the Roman Walls of Lugo (1992) covered proposals for actions to be taken in respect of research and techniques of restoration. More Contacts Site Map Become a member Donate Now! The palaces fall under several different types of ownership. UNESCO convenes meeting of women entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industries of Cuba and the Dominican Republic 05 March 2021 UNESCO welcomes the Pope's visit to Mosul, a symbol of solidarity and an accelerator of peace Владельцы дворцов были обязаны размещать у себя этих гостей, что способствовало распространению знаний о здешней архитектуре и бытовой культуре. Y vale. Moreover, the Strade Nuove are the focus for tourist development. Genoa, Italian Riviera Picture: La facciata del Palazzo Rosso a Genova su via Garibaldi, dichiarata Patrimonio Unesco - Check out Tripadvisor members' 56,885 candid photos and videos. The nominated area encloses the ensemble of the Strade Nuove and part of the medieval fabric. Влияние такой модели городского проектирования проявлялось, судя по итальянской и европейской литературе, в последующие десятилетия. Foto acerca 2018, genoa, funcionamiento, raza, city, marathon, diciembre - 133250169 Mar 1, 2018 - Palazzo Reale, Unesco site in Genoa Genoa's Unesco World Heritage Sites Genoa boasts one of the most glamorous Unesco World Heritage sites in an area that is filled with of amazing palazzo or grand palaces just beyond the harbor and the medieval section of the city. In terms of development, the historic area that forms the buffer zone is being improved and the medieval building stock is receiving assistance. De Strade Nuove en het systeem van de Palazzi dei Rolli in het historische centrum van Genua dateren uit de late 16e en de vroege 17e eeuw, toen de Republiek Genua op het hoogtepunt van zijn financiële en zeevarende macht stond. 5 March 2021 – On the 8th of March 2021, the Living Heritage Entity joins its voice to that of the entire UN family by celebrating this International Women’s Day. UNESCO encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by promoting collaboration among nations. The Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli in Genoa’s historic centre date from the late 16th and early 17th centuries when the Republic of Genoa was at the height of its financial and seafaring power. From: To: Tipología de evento: Mejor Todas Elige una fecha. Through the architectural treatises of the time, these examples were publicized making the Strade Nuove and the late-Renaissance palaces of Genoa a significant landmark in the development of Mannerist and Baroque architecture in Europe. Giacomo Montanari è laureato in Comenzá a planificar tu crucero reservando excursiones en Génova y Portofino. Palazzi dei Rolli: Patrimonio de la Unesco - 1.055 opiniones y 524 fotos de viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Génova, Italia en Tripadvisor. Улица Ле-Страде-Нуове и комплекс дворцов Палацци-деи-Ролли в историческом центре Генуи (конец ХVI – начало ХVII вв.) Jun 7, 2015 - The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure. Дворцы демонстрируют чрезвычайное разнообразие архитектурных решений, позволяющих максимально приспособиться к особым свойствам местности и учесть социально-экономические условия. This entire stretch of palaces is called the Genoa, Italian Riviera Picture: La facciata del Palazzo Rosso a Genova su via Garibaldi, dichiarata Patrimonio Unesco - Check out Tripadvisor members' 57,103 candid photos and videos. Воздвигнутые здесь в конце ХVI в. огромные дворцы-резиденции образовали квартал знати, которая по конституции 1528 г. составляла правительство Республики. El sitio comprende un conjunto de mansiones renacentistas y barrocas que flanquean las calles nuevas (strade nuove). I Palazzi dei Rolli, alcuni rinascimentali altri barocchi,  sono accomunati da alcune caratteristiche, come le spettacolari scalinate all’ingresso, cortili e logge sui giardini, gli interni decorati con stucchi e affreschi. Because of its management agility and flexibility, the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura has been identified as the organization most suitable for performing the work of coordination between the parties involved in the management of the property. La ciudad portuaria de Génova, un destino de MSC Cruceros en el Mediterráneo, es la puerta de entrada a la glamorosa riviera italiana.Paseá por sus sinuosas calles medievales, admirá la histórica Piazza Matteotti y admirá un magnífico grupo de edificios de los siglos XVI y XVII. Jun 18, 2015 - We selected some of our favorite noble and historical palaces in Genoa and we will now take you on an original itinerary to discover them. The Xunta operates through its General Directorate of Cultural Heritage (Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural), based in Santiago de Compostela. This palace and other two palaces on Via Garibaldi are used as museums. Genoa, with its population of 650,000 inhabitants, is the largest port on the Mediterranean and one of the most important Italian cities. Nel 2006 il sito Genova: le Strade Nuove e il Sistema dei Palazzi dei Rolli è stato iscritto nella lista del Patrimonio dell’Umanità Unesco Genova delle meraviglie Guardando Genova dal mare si vede una città lunga e stretta, che sale, scende per poi inerpicarsi rapida The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure Grimaldi Gio Battista piazza S. Luca, 2. Il centro storico di Genova è un esempio eccezionale di strade e palazzi aristocratici di grande valore architettonico. Las Strade Nuove y el sistema de los Palazzi dei Rolli del centro histórico de Génova datan de finales del siglo XVI y principios del XVII, época en la que esta república marítima se hallaba en el apogeo de su poderío financiero y comercial. Os sitios Patrimonio da Humanidade da Organización das Nacións Unidas para a Educación, a Ciencia e a Cultura (Unesco) son lugares importantes para o patrimonio cultural ou o patrimonio natural segundo se describe na Convención do patrimonio mundial da UNESCO, creada en 1972. Genoa’s historic center - Ancient Italian Marine Republic and today Capital of Liguria - is the seat of splendid artistic and architectural treasures; it was inserted onto the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2006. The Palazzi dei Rolli offer an extraordinary variety of different solutions, achieving universal value in adapting to the particular characteristics of the site and to the requirements of a specific social and economic organization. The project proposed a new and innovative spirit that characterized the Siglo de los Genoveses (1563 to 1640). 3 talking about this. The connection between the port and the centre has now been partly re-established by removing the railway and storage structures and repaving the area for pedestrian use. Interventions on the property must be authorized by the relevant Soprintendenza (peripheral office of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism), which may either deny the interventions for conservation reasons or authorise them only partially. Ambiente joven y vibrante, habitaciones son preciosas y … As a result of the initiatives undertaken, particularly from the 1990s, the palaces have been surveyed and their state of conservation has been verified. The site includes an ensemble of Renaissance and Baroque palaces along the so-called ‘new streets’ (Strade Nuove). Publications World Heritage Review Series Resource Manuals World Heritage wall map More publications ... Funding World Heritage Fund International Assistance. Deze plek is het eerste Europese voorbeeld van een stedelijk ontwikkelingsproject verkaveld door een overheidsinstantie binnen een unitair kader en gekoppeld aan een bepaald systeem van 'publiek verblijf' in de private woningbouw, zoals verordend door de Genuaanse Senaat in 1576. The Coordinating body is supported by a Scientific Committee which checks the consistency of the sectorial policies with the objective of safeguarding the integrity of the heritage as required by the World Heritage Convention. La UNESCO Patrimonio de la humanidad. Sitio web de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial Travel. Una entrada más tengo planificada. ... (2021) 22 nd GA UNESCO Paris (2019) 21 st GA UNESCO Paris (2017) About World Heritage The Convention, Convention Text Jun 7, 2015 - The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure. The palaces were three or four storeys in height with an entrance hall featuring spectacular open staircases, courtyards and loggias overlooking gardens. Территория была разбита органоми местной власти на участки, в соответствии с особой системой создания «общественных жилищ», основывающейся на законодательстве. Genoa’s Unesco World Heritage Sites. Les Strade Nuove et le système des palais des Rolli dans le centre historique de Gênes datent de la fin du XVIe et début du XVIIe siècles. Se han preservado muchos palacios de este periodo. كما تشكل مثلاً مميزًا على نظام عام من المساكن الخاصة التي لها وظيفة استقبال ضيوف الدولة. Museo del Palacio Real 240857418 de la colección de millones de fotos, vectores e imágenes en alta resolución de Depositphotos. Они также являются оригинальным примером сети домов, предназначенных по постановлению Сената от 1576 г. для приема гостей города, прибывающих в него с государственными визитами. source: UNESCO/ERI Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0, 热那亚历史中心的新街和罗利宫殿体系(16世纪末和17世纪初)是欧洲第一个在统一框架内的城市发展项目。在那里,城市发展规划由政府当局和一个专门的“公众居住”系统在法律的基础上统一安排部署。罗利宫殿是由热那亚共和国最富有最有权势的贵族家庭修建的,那时的热那亚财政实力和航海业都处在巅峰时期。这一处遗址包括所称“新街”两边的文艺复兴时期的剧团和巴洛克风格的宫殿。这些宏伟的宫殿式住宅于16世纪末建于新街街道(即今天的加里波第路),四分之一的贵族住在这里。根据1528年的宪法,这些贵族接管了共和国政府的大权。宫殿一般有三四层楼高,楼梯是敞开式的,很壮观。院子也很大,每层都有一个面积不大、可以俯视花园的凉台。这种城市设计风格的影响反映在其后几十年意大利和欧洲的文学作品中。宫殿系统提供了各种解决方案,在适应遗址的个性特点和特定的社会经济组织的要求方面具有普遍价值。它们还提供了一个先例,就是为外国客人来访建立一个公共接待室联系。为此,众议院于1576年正式颁布了一项法令。这些宫殿的主人有义务对国事访问进行招待,从而有利于向慕名来访的著名艺术家和游客传播建筑模型和居住文化知识,其中一个很经典的例子就是画家彼得•保罗•鲁本斯(Pieter Paul Ruben)的一系列作品。. UNESCO. The purposes of this Convention are: (a) to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage; (b) to ensure respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities, groups and individuals concerned; (c) to raise awareness at the local, national and international levels of the importance of the intangible cultura… The Lavaux Vineyard Terraces, stretching for about 30 km along the south-facing northern shores of Lake Geneva from the Chateau de Chillon to the eastern outskirts of Lausanne in the Vaud region, cover the lower slopes of the mountainside between the villages and the lake. представляют собой первый в Европе образец градостроительного проекта, имеющего единую структуру. Parte de ella también fue inscrita en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial (UNESCO) en 2006 como Génova: Le Strade Nuove y el sistema de los Palazzi dei Rolli . Others provide office or commercial use. Cultural promotion; Plan C. Social and economic enhancement. Find information on heritage sites in Genoa as well as 6 heritage sites in Liguria, 76 heritage sites in Italy, 515 heritage sites in Europe, 1 The implementation of the Management Plan is entrusted to a technical structure divided into 3 working parties, which relate to the three sectorial plans: Plan A. The residences, known as Palazzi dei Rolli, offer an extraordinary variety of different solutions, achieving universal value in adapting to the particular characteristics of the site and to the requirements of a specific social and economic organization. Descargue la foto editorial Génova, Italia. Genoa’s Unesco World Heritage Sites Genoa boasts one of the most glamorous Unesco World Heritage sites in an area that is filled with of amazing palazzo or grand palaces just beyond the harbor and the medieval section of the city. The heart of medieval Genoa – bounded by ancient city gates Porta dei Vacca and Porta Soprana, and the streets of Via Cairoli, Via Garibaldi and Via XXV Aprile – is famed for its caruggi (narrow lanes). The design of the streets is attributed to architect Galeazzo Alessi who designed several of the palaces as well. Fu per lungo periodo sotto il dominio bizantino e successivamente sotto quello longobardo, ma la sua grande espansione iniziò dopo l’anno Mille, quando divenne una potente repubblica marinara ed estese il suo dominio mercantile e militare su gran parte del Mediterraneo. Museos. Il sito UNESCO comprende 42 palazzi dei Rolli, fra gli oltre 100 esistenti, che da Strada Nuova arrivano a gran parte del centro storico attraverso Via Lomellini, Piazza Fossatello e Via San Luca, fino a Piazza Banchi … The palaces are in good state of conservation and their condition is monitored by the state authority. However, the owners have made the necessary adaptations with due respect to the original structures and the historical authenticity of the buildings. TIBETAN NEW YEAR OF THE METAL OX (2148) From 10th February to 1st March 2021. Acuario de Génova ... kilómetros de costa *42. palazzi dei rolli, patrimonio de la unesco. The property includes an ensemble of Renaissance and Baroque palaces along the so-called ‘new streets’ (Strade Nuove). Help preserve sites now! Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli; ... (Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural), based in Santiago de Compostela. Genova, le Strade Nuove e il Sistema dei ... - Unesco Italia As a sea power, the city of Genoa has always been closely associated with its port, which nonetheless was separated from the city for centuries by partitions of different nature such as the walls from the 17th century, the “marble terraces” in the 19th century  and other service facilities. Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. Palazzi dei Rolli, patrimonio de la humanidad según la UNESCO en Génova. También constituyen un ejemplo original de un sistema público de residencias privadas, cuyos propietarios tenían la obligación de albergar a los huéspedes oficiales del Estado. Secondo l'Unesco, che l’ha iscritto nei siti Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità nel 1998, “la maggior parte del sito non è ancora stata riportata alla luce, e pertanto costituisce la più grande riserva archeologica di questo genere”. I Palazzi dei Rolli a Genova, Patrimonio UNESCO. United Nations. by Noel | | Ancient and historic sites, Italy, Travel Photography, Unesco World Heritage sites, Urban travel. ويشكل الموقع المثل الأول في أوروبا على مشروع تطوير حضري تقوم به سلطة عامة في إطار مندمج وله علاقة بنظام خاص بالإسكان العام، كما أقرّ مجلس الشيوخ في العام1576 عندما كانت جمهورية جَنَوة في أوج قوتها المالية والبحرية. Per approfondimenti si consiglia di visitare il sito ufficiale del Centro del Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO responsabile dell'iscrizione dei siti del Patrimonio Mondiale. Affacciato sulla piazza san Luca insieme alla contigua chiesa gentilizia degli Spinola, il palazzo si presenta con una facciata sobria, organizzata sul basamento bugnato del piano terreno, suddivisa in marcapiani e caratterizzata dalla presenza di finestre a edicola con poggioli dalla balaustrata marmorea. Объект включает ансамбль дворцов в стиле ренессанс и барокко вдоль так называемых «новых улиц» - Страде Нуове (ныне – Виа-Гарибальди). The city of Genoa's web portal of tourism, events, and leisure ... Rolli Unesco. Join the 124,575 Members. El Correo de la UNESCO Los Sabios colaboran con la UNESCO (Diciembre 1956) p.40; Sesenta Años de Ciencia en la UNESCO (en inglés o francés) Ciencias para … Descargue la foto editorial Génova, Italia - Jule 25, 2018: Palazzo Doria-Spinola u o Palazzo Antonio Doria (alrededor del año 1543). Genova, uno dei principali porti italiani, si trova nell’Italia settentrionale, stretta tra il mare e l’Appennino. Дворцы, в основном трех- или четырехэтажные, характерные величественными открытыми лестницами, дворами и лоджиями, выходящими в сады, расположены на нескольких уровнях в довольно стесненном пространстве. UNESCO’s initial emphasis was on rebuilding schools, libraries, and museums that had been destroyed in Europe during World War II.Since then its activities have been mainly facilitative, aimed at assisting, supporting, and complementing the national efforts of member states to eliminate illiteracy and to extend free education. Dec 19, 2015 - Palazzo Reale, Unesco site in Genoa Genoa's Unesco World Heritage Sites Genoa boasts one of the most glamorous Unesco World Heritage sites in an area that is filled with of amazing palazzo or grand palaces just beyond the harbor and the medieval section of the city. 2012 Week of Restaurateurs; 2012 Children’s Championship; Palatinifini Cartoons 2012; 2012 Pesto Word Championship Supporter; 2012 Honor’s Commitee; 2012 Timetable; 2012 Guidelines; 2012 Competition; 2010 Championship. The Committee meets annually to evaluate nominations proposed by States Parties to the 2003 Convention and decide whether or not to inscribe those cultural practices and expressions of intangible heritage on the Convention’s Lists. تعود السترادي نووفي ونظام قصور رولّي في الوسط التاريخي لمدينة جَنَوة إلى نهاية القرن السادس عشر وبداية القرن السابع عشر. GENOVA, LE STRADE NUOVE E IL SISTEMA DEI PALAZZI DEI ROLLI, Associazione beni italiani patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO. Con Andrea Doria, doge nel 1528 e appartenente ad una famiglia di ricchi mercanti e straordinari navigatori, finanziatori dell’impero spagnolo di Carlo V, la Repubblica di Genova raggiunse l’apice della propria potenza. Il sistema dei Rolli è costituito da oltre 100 residenze nobiliari, di cui 42 inclusi nella lista del Patrimonio mondiale UNESCO. Cosa sono i Palazzi dei Rolli di Genova e perché sono Patrimonio UNESCO di Paola 20/12/2019 Nel centro storico di Genova ci sono sia i caruggi, i vicoletti bui con le case addossate le une sulle altre, che le eleganti Strade Nuove con i Palazzi dei Rolli , dove papi e nobili assortiti andavano a … the addition to the city’s theatre) are relatively limited and do not disturb the overall character. In 1576, the Republic of Genoa established a legally based list of Rolli recognizing the most outstanding palaces for official lodging of distinguished guests. Este recorrido también incluye paradas destacadas como la catedral de San Lorenzo, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, y otras iglesias medievales de la zona, como el complejo de San Giovanni di Pré con sus intrincados frescos. In addition to the Rolli palaces, the property also includes other historic buildings, such as medieval houses as well as more recently constructed buildings. The Rolli Palaces and other monumental buildings included in the property are all protected by the Legislative Decree 42/2004, Code of Cultural Assets and Landscape. ويحتوي الموقع على مجموعة من قصور بأسلوب عصر النهضة والأسلوب الباروكي على طول "الشوارع الجديدة" (سترادي نووفي). Aree tematiche. 8 March, International Women’s day: UNESCO better equipped than ever to support women’s empowerment in the field of living heritage. A otra cosa. The management structure of the property is coordinated by the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, which cooperates with the representatives of all other involved institutions. Via Giuseppe Garibaldi es una calle del centro histórico de Génova , en el noroeste de Italia , conocida por sus palacios antiguos.Es una de las Strade Nuove (en italiano, "calles nuevas") construidas por la aristocracia genovesa durante el Renacimiento. CERIMONIE PER IL LOSAR - IL CAPODANNO TIBETANO DELL’ANNO DEL BUFALO DI METALLO (2148) dal 10 Febbraio al … These palaces include those that were the most representative and have best preserved their authenticity. WebGL must be enable, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses, Ancient irrigation system (Oman) and Palaces of Genoa (Italy) among ten new sites on World Heritage List, Astronomy and World Heritage Thematic Initiative, Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments (HEADS), Initiative on Heritage of Astronomy, Science and Technology, Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Natural World Heritage in the Congo Basin, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, World Heritage Centre’s Natural Heritage Strategy, World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP). Génova también alberga la Universidad de Génova , que tiene una historia que se remonta al siglo XV, cuando se la conocía como Ateneo Genuense. The site represents the first example in Europe of an urban development project parcelled out by a public authority within a unitary framework and associated to a particular system of ‘public lodging’ in private residences, as decreed by the Senate in 1576. Genoa, Italian Riviera Picture: La facciata del Palazzo Rosso a Genova su via Garibaldi, dichiarata Patrimonio Unesco - Check out Tripadvisor members' 57,267 candid photos and videos. El Holiday Inn Genoa City está ubicado en un edificio renovado de la década de los 40 y se encuentra cerca de las bulliciosas terminales de ferris y cruceros de Génova. Per approfondimenti di carattere storico ed artistico, in particolare per docenti e studenti, si consiglia di visitare il sito del progetto "Patrimonio mondiale nella scuola", un'iniziativa sostenuta dall'Associazione beni italiani patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO in collaborazione con MIBACT e MIUR per promuovere la divulgazione dei princìpi cardine dell'Unesco nelle scuole, soprattutto attraverso il portale di carattere didattico. [2] Explore. The area contains the 42 palaces that were on the list of Rolli. English Français. The boundary encompasses the main ensembles of Renaissance and Baroque palaces along the two main streets of the Strade Nuove. Although the different palaces had distinct designs solutions, particularly in response to the local topography, they shared common characteristics.

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